Sunday, April 29, 2012

I miss blogging here. Something that makes me really sad is that I came so close to 100 followers but then I stopped blogging and now I doubt that I will ever reach that goal.

Anyway this blogger tag thing is something that Erimentha created and she did it again recently and this time the tag was open for anyone to do it. So here goes. 

If they're still out there I tag Jokerman and Dandalily.

Abracadabra, Wow!  
I like boys with a head full of dreams and girls who use a contagious vocabulary of 'mint' words.
I like watching TV on a mattress next to the lit fireplace.
I like going to cafe's with a group of female friends and just giggling over anything and everything.
I like talking to Jokerman again and working my brain to keep up with his witty wordplay.
I like snuggling under the blankets to read.
I like the feeling of calmness after you have cried and cried your heart out and there are no tears left.
I like making playlists on my iPod and then playing them at work.
I like having a cheeky flirt in chem.
I like that winter means I get to buy a whole new wardrobe.
I like feeling close to my mum.
I like being up to date in Offspring because I'm finally able to watch it as it airs and have nothing spoiled for me.
I like the feeling of satisfaction that I get when I get up early on Saturdays and do homework before work.
I love him.
Today I am happy because I get to see my dad.
In some ways, I love everything. Its less, its less of a thing to like, its less distinct, its less particular I like things that I like but I love everything There’s more choice in like Cos even the worst things have things you love in them I don’t know what you mean about things I hate  
I hate that the likes were so hard this time.
I hate when you are growing distant from someone and there is nothing you can do to save the friendship.
I hate my lack of motivation.
I hate rude customers combined with my selfish boss or difficult, bossy co workers.
I hate that I've already fucked up this year.
I hate when my methods teacher uses his super disappointed voice. 
I hate how everyone makes all these assumptions from the things I post on my tumblr but in a way, it's kind of cool that they find it interesting enough to read.
I hate how easily I am disappointed.
I hate thinking about next year and the end of this year.

I hate this. Wow, sorry....

xoxo Camelgirl


  1. It's great that you're back, I've always loved your blog and I will always love Cassie's therapy video. Hope you do get to 100!



  2. I miss you blogging here! This tag is still the loveliest one around :)

  3. Hello Camelgirl! I didn't see this until now...I really enjoyed reading this though. I can totally sense where you were 2 weeks ago (is that creepy? I hope not). You are mint (hooray for contagious vocab). 2012 is fucked, but keep going cuz it's better when things are fucked together. <3 x x x


Many thanks for your feedback. :)